Who are you?

Anglers choose all kinds of ways to identify themselves. By favourite species as "carp anglers" or "pikers", by style as "match", "pleasure" or "specialist" anglers, some (including a number of the Christian Anglers group) as "traditional anglers" with a penchant for vintage tackle. For some their PB lists are an important part of their angling identity, and the number of Christian Anglers caps, hoodies, T-shirts and beanies sported at our fish-ins probably says something about our human preoccupation with identifying ourselves, too.

These days "identity" is a hot news topic. Social commentators talk about "identity politics", and identity is an important Christian theme, too. Only, for the Christian, identity isn't to be found in our career success, image, bank balance, education or any other number of factors. Our identity is to be found in Christ. Who we are is determined by our relationship with him. In fact, when we choose to follow Him, we're told in the Bible that we gain a brand new identity. St Paul tells us that "If anyone is in Christ he is a new creation. The old has gone, the new has come." ( 2 Corinthians 5:17 ) 

It's tremendously liberating knowing that our worth isn't determined by our achievements or image. A new life, with a new way of living, an inheritance in Heaven and adoption into the family of God are simply a gift of God's grace. 

So, keep PB lists if you must (I do), describe yourself as a member of whatever fishing "tribe" you belong to, but remember over and above everything, if you're a Christian, nothing matters more than who you've become in Christ.


Thank you, Lord, that my worth isn't determined by what I do, but by what You've done for me. Help my identity in Christ to shape who I am and how I live,
for His glory and in His name,


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