
Showing posts from November, 2020

On waiting well

  Those of us of a "certain vintage" will well remember a time when the closed season existed not only on rivers, but for all coarse fishing anywhere- lakes, ponds, pits, canals, rivers and streams were all closed to angling from 15th March to the 16th June. (except for in Yorkshire, where for a while they recommenced fishing on the 1st of June in what was know as the "stolen fortnight.") As a schoolboy I can recall the excitement of the days and weeks leading up to what was commonly referred to as the "glorious sixteenth." For me it eclipsed Christmas in terms of anticipation, and by the last couple of days of the closed season I was barely able to either contain my excitement or to sleep, as thoughts of tench similar to the one held by Christian Angler's member Greg in the photo above danced through my head. This Sunday sees the church calendar enter the season of Advent, which is similarly a time of waiting, of anticipation and of expectation. In on